Tuesday, April 24, 2012

White Island revisited!

     After our Ardent Hot Spring adventure plus the "extra" activity my cousins did last night while I was sleeping [click here for the whole story], you would expect that they'd have no more energy for the activity of the day, surprisingly, they still got up early and got ready for out White Island adventure! We had our breakfast first since there are children with us. We then took turns for the pump boat ride to White island which was also taken care of the Paguia's Cottages. 

     I was on the second batch to go to the island. Of course, we didn't forget the snorkeling gears! It was supposed to be for rental but since we're just family (whew!) we "borrowed" 4 sets of it. Haha! 

     When I saw the boat coming back after the first batch was delivered to the island, I hurried and excitedly hopped on the boat and had the privilege to be taken this photo:

me on the pump boat that would bring us to the island
with my cousins getting off the boat (white island)
   How I've missed this island! It's still as pretty as before! It can still keep you in awe! I still find this island cute - you know, seldom can you see a small white island seemingly floating on the sea! Witness its beauty:

     Those umbrellas are the only shade you can find in this island. Those umbrellas are for rental though. I forgot how much they paid for it though. Here are some more pictures of the island.

      Who wouldn't want to dip to the sea in a paradise like this? I was so eager to swim that I even forgot to put on some sun-block lotion!! It didn't matter much though, so long as I had fun! >.<

     A vendor went closer and advertised these seafoods he had. I don't know what that's called but I think I've tasted those spherical shaped something before and if my memory's right, it tasted really good especially with suka. 

looks yummy, right?
     The snorkeling gears we had were also put to good use. We saw fishes under water but the most amazing fish I saw was that white flat fish which seemed like a normal white sand at first but when it suddenly moved (actually it actually kinda "crawled") we found that there were a lot of them at a certain area! 


     The fish we saw kinda looked like the one below. It really camouflaged in the whiteness of the sand! [Photo from seafriends org]

     It was almost noon when we decided to go back (we were feeling hungry already); a big family picture was first taken before going back. Here are some of the fun shots!

    That short trip of ours to Camiguin was really an enjoyable one, but it's not the beauty of the place that made that trip worthwhile, it was the fun we shared between us that made the mini trip perfect. The place won't matter, as long as you're with the people close to you, it'll be perfect! The camera isn't enough to capture the enjoyment and fulfillment we felt during that trip because we were together as a family. I really am proud and at the same time thankful to God to have such a big and very happy family. I'll be looking forward for our next get together, and I hope it'll be soon. =)

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