Tuesday, May 15, 2012


nece, me, and steph busy-ing ourselves with something I can't remember now =)
     If you happened to read my previous post regarding my first impression of the people where I have my on-the-job-training, you'd probably think that the people who work there are very monstrous! Mind you, I thought the same way, but after being there for almost one and a half months now, my views kinda changed now. The "people" I mentioned in my previous post didn't change to being angel-like or whatever - let's just say that I found some other qualities in them that is actually likeable! I'd give it to them, they have their cute side also >.< though only seldom do we see that side of them LOL.

using the white board to make our ideas clearer

     Continuing... we've grown fond and accustomed of the workplace we've been assigned but we're still not letting our guard down. Nerve-wracking questions are sometimes thrown to us randomly and if no "acceptable" answers from us will be heard, we're done for! More often do we not know than know the answers though, and when the right answers are explained to us we'll be just stand/sit in awe (with rainbows coming out of our mouth) of how amazing and bright the question thrower is. We've been kinda used to this situation already but it still makes us uncomfortable sometimes. I've made it to a point though that I should just use this time to learn new things, which is actually the main point of an OJT, right?

solving problems or practicing pen spin? ikaw nece ha!


     Whenever there's time, we "scan" and run through the Perry's Handbook for Chemical Engineers and find something that seems interesting and of course something we can understand. I'm surprised though that almost everything in the handbook "seems" interesting that I thought that it was really a waste that i don't read the handbook I have at home. 

     During our stay in Kao, we've been constantly reminded by different chemical engineers that it familiarizing the handbook's content as early as now will help us a lot during the board exam.
     We've been going to the field these days but since it is prohibited to take pictures of the plant, I can't post any pictures here. The only pictures I can show you guys are the ones taken inside the control room. This one was taken in the utility control room:

     The supervisor of the utility control room kinda explained to us how this "switch board panel" works but since I can't quite understand the electrical aspect of what he's explained I didn't bother remembering it. I actually tried asking Steph, Nece, ad Michael but coincidentally we did the same! >.< We just studied the different processes under the utility department.

studying the educational documents of the utility department

    See? We've been busy learning and studying during our OJT! We're not just sitting on one corner of the central control room doing chismisan, we're also making the most out of what is given to us! We're so good, right? No need to answer because I know we are! Bwahahaha XD

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