Tuesday, April 24, 2012

White Island revisited!

     After our Ardent Hot Spring adventure plus the "extra" activity my cousins did last night while I was sleeping [click here for the whole story], you would expect that they'd have no more energy for the activity of the day, surprisingly, they still got up early and got ready for out White Island adventure! We had our breakfast first since there are children with us. We then took turns for the pump boat ride to White island which was also taken care of the Paguia's Cottages. 

     I was on the second batch to go to the island. Of course, we didn't forget the snorkeling gears! It was supposed to be for rental but since we're just family (whew!) we "borrowed" 4 sets of it. Haha! 

     When I saw the boat coming back after the first batch was delivered to the island, I hurried and excitedly hopped on the boat and had the privilege to be taken this photo:

me on the pump boat that would bring us to the island
with my cousins getting off the boat (white island)
   How I've missed this island! It's still as pretty as before! It can still keep you in awe! I still find this island cute - you know, seldom can you see a small white island seemingly floating on the sea! Witness its beauty:

     Those umbrellas are the only shade you can find in this island. Those umbrellas are for rental though. I forgot how much they paid for it though. Here are some more pictures of the island.

      Who wouldn't want to dip to the sea in a paradise like this? I was so eager to swim that I even forgot to put on some sun-block lotion!! It didn't matter much though, so long as I had fun! >.<

     A vendor went closer and advertised these seafoods he had. I don't know what that's called but I think I've tasted those spherical shaped something before and if my memory's right, it tasted really good especially with suka. 

looks yummy, right?
     The snorkeling gears we had were also put to good use. We saw fishes under water but the most amazing fish I saw was that white flat fish which seemed like a normal white sand at first but when it suddenly moved (actually it actually kinda "crawled") we found that there were a lot of them at a certain area! 


     The fish we saw kinda looked like the one below. It really camouflaged in the whiteness of the sand! [Photo from seafriends org]

     It was almost noon when we decided to go back (we were feeling hungry already); a big family picture was first taken before going back. Here are some of the fun shots!

    That short trip of ours to Camiguin was really an enjoyable one, but it's not the beauty of the place that made that trip worthwhile, it was the fun we shared between us that made the mini trip perfect. The place won't matter, as long as you're with the people close to you, it'll be perfect! The camera isn't enough to capture the enjoyment and fulfillment we felt during that trip because we were together as a family. I really am proud and at the same time thankful to God to have such a big and very happy family. I'll be looking forward for our next get together, and I hope it'll be soon. =)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Camiguin! all over again..

     April 23 - the day that was especially in our calendar! After hearing the mass that Sunday in our beloved hometown, Dampil, WE joyfully went to the Balingoan port where we'd ride a barge to Camiguin. It was not our first time to be in Camiguin but we were all excited because it's been a long time since the WHOLE bunch of us went travelling and laag together. 

on our way to the barge (at Balingoan port)

On the barge

     I don't know if one should amused or annoyed but as usual, these children who climb on the barge and entice the passengers to throw coins to the ocean are still there. I'd give it to them, they're really good swimmers and divers! Throw off coins to the ocean and they would immediately jump and get it. Even though I know that they're already used to this, it still is unsafe for them to climb and jump like that so I personally think that this action should not be tolerated.

one of those children I described just now
     Just as the barge went, I settled in my seat and enjoyed the sea breeze while listening to my playlist. The others were busy talking and taking pictures and EATING! =D

Baby Jedrick obviously enjoying the ride
     In the middle of the vast ocean,we were given an extra treat by our dolphin friends (as in a lot of them). I've heard that there really are dolphins in that part of the ocean but every time we go to Camiguin we're not able to see one. We were very lucky this time that we've witnessed it. All of the passengers enjoyed the what would seem to be a show prepared by the dolphins. There were a lot of them - they were swimming together with the barge and even displayed their amazing synchronized swimming talents! The dolphins made their performance even more exciting upon hearing the passengers cheer for them! It was really a very overwhelming scene! Very much overwhelming to the point that we were not able to take pictures/video of it! LOL. 
Oh! But if you look closely at this picture you'll see a silhouette of a dolphin submerged  in the sea
    It was around 4:30pm when we arrived in the Benoni port of Camiguin island and took us 30 minutes of travel to Paguia's Cottages (owned by my cousin's husband's family =D). Oh I could give you their contact number if you want! This time around they prepared a big room for us (13 beds). After we settled, we had our dinner and decided to go visit Ardent Hot Spring as we always had whenever we're in Camiguin.


enjoying the hot spring, aye?

      When we returned to the cottage and prepared to sleep I felt exhaustion all over me ;p and I accidentally fall asleep! Falling asleep early was the greatest thing I regretted in our stay in Camiguin. All my cousins spent the night outside talking nonsense-but-oh-so-enjoyable stuffs and of course with the eat and drink all you can portion! It's not everyday that we'd be gathered together and talk and have fun! If only I was still awake...

Just before I "accidentally" fell asleep!

   Our adventures for the next day will be featured in my next post! >.<

The following link will bring you to the facebook page of Paguia's Cottages:  Paguia's Cottages [click here]


Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Oleochemical Industry

                Being assigned in KAO for our 300-hour OJT this summer also enabled me to learn new stuffs. Two weeks ago when our manager gave us an assignment to read about the oleochemical indutry. I decided to post what I've read here to share to to some of you who's interested. XD

                Basically, oleochemicals are chemicals derived from plant oils and animal fats. Some of the most basic source of animal fats are tallow, lard, and poultry. Palm kernel, coconut, palm, soya, sunflower, and rapeseed on the other hand are some of the major sources of plant oils used in oleochemical industries.

                The oleochemical industry has various applications. It can be used in the production of personal care products like shampoos, soaps, lotions, and make-up. Products of the oleochemical industries ca serve as emulsifiers and humectants for the food industry. Its products can also lead to the production of biodiesel and additives for the fuel and lubricant industries, additives and surfactants for the paint and coating industry, surfactant and adjuvant for the agriculture industry, and plasticizer and additives for the plastic industry. Other applications include wire insulation in electronics, tabletting aids in healthcare, in leather production, in paper recycling, in printing inks, and even in waxes and candles.

                There are a number of oleochemical industries worldwide having different sources of their products depending on what is most accessible to the area or country. The Philippine oleochemical industries for instance have palm kernel oil and coconut oil as the major raw material used because the Philippines has an ample amount of these oil owing to its being a tropical country. The European oleochemical industry on the other hand is facing a threat at the present. The European oleochemical industry mainly has animal fat as their source for their production but after they stopped importing animal fat from USA they’ve been in crisis. Adding to their problem is also the country’s renewable energy policy which calls for the production of biodiesel. The production of biodiesel however increases and even doubles the production of glycerine as the by-product of the process. The increase of the production of glycerine causes its price to decrease which obviously leads to the decrease of the income of the industries.

                It has been reported that the oleochemical industry in the Philippines is greatly improving and even having potentials of greater development. Our country, the Philippines has been blessed with the resources needed for the production of oleochemicals; together with the skillful Filipinos the oleochemical industry of the Philippines can still reach greater heights. As the industry further develops may we be mindful of its effect to our resources. May we not just wait for what is currently happening to the European oleochemical industry to happen to us also.

Friday, April 20, 2012

OJT rocks! (ambot)


     What a day! What a beautiful way to start the day! My gosh! Well, well, well, gotta hope for the best na lamang. May thunder strike on nonsense people who have nothing more significant to do but talk about the new people around them. Well, talk about hospitality! I mean, it’s also my doing to talk about people about any issue regarding them (whether or not it’s authentic) but I thought only childish minds does that. I know it’s not a perfect excuse but hell, they’re like in their mid 20’s (or older) but they still talk about people younger than them? Backbiting us for not doing anything but sit on the carpet or sleep! Huh! They’re to talk pa talaga huh! Having a serious and “oh, I’m so busy”-look on their faces but guess what? They were very busy watching all our actions lang pala. Bitches!

     Maybe I’m just having exaggerated emotions or response to what I’ve heard but hell, think whatever you want! I just want to pour out this negative feelings lingering within me right now. Maybe a little later I’ll find another reason to change my views on these people but it’s their loss naman eh. I don’t care! Uhm, not really. I do care in what they say about us but I’ll try not to mind and not take it to heart nalang. I’ll just have to continue acting the way I really am and the way I really feel, not like all those pretentious beasts and monsters surrounding me. May another thunder and lightning strike them again. Bwahahaha XD 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Travelling via multicab like a boss (or not)!

     Easter Sunday when I arrived in Dampil; I’ll be staying here for the whole duration of our OJT. Dampil is still far from KAO but it’ll be much easier for me to commute to KAO from here than from our place in CDO. From our place to Divisoria would cost me P10, taking a motorela to Agora would cost P6 (SP), then finally it’s P25 for the Agora-KAO (Jasaan) ride. Doubling the amount, it’ll cost me a total of P82 for the fare only. Aside from the bongacious triple ride that I’d be taking, I would need to wake up and take a bath at aroung 4:30am – meaning I’ll be starting my day as early as 4:30am! Only to arrive in KAO at exactly 8am, if not passed 8.

     The multicab fare from Dampil to KAO is P15 (SP). Compared to P82, P30 is much lighter, divaah? And I get to have my vacation na rin in Dampil at the same time. Without further ado, here it is, my first days travelling via multicab…

    First of all you have to understand that in our place in CDO the route written at the side of the jeepneys are really followed and taken by the jeepneys. Uhm, I mean, if what’s written is Xavier Heights - Cogon, the jeepney will really travel through Cogon up to Xavier Heights and even beyond; but sad to say, the multicabs in this part of Misamis Oriental doesn’t work that way. Besides the route written on both sides of the multicabs, there’s a sign board pala in front sayingupto what point the multicab will be travelling. Ignorant me didn’t bother noticing the sign boards; so when I once went on the multicab confidently thinking I rode on the right multicab, I was put to embarrassment when I foolishly asked the kondoktor, “dili ni mulahos ug Dampil diay?” I sensed some of the passengers smirked while saying that it’s only ‘till Jasaan. Woah! If not for Michael’s signal to come down I would have confidently settled in that multicab without knowing that sa unahan ra diay tu taman, atot! I thought it’ll be the end of my disturbing multicab experience but hell no! that very same moment, after coming down from the wrong multicab, I was able to ride the right one thanks to Michael, but after running for almost 4 kilometers, the multicab stopped! And for what reason? Nahutdan daw ug gas! It was actually out of gas!! Whaaaat a lame reason! Goodness! And there I was in the middle of somewhere together with people I’m not familiar with, and I don’t even know where I was! And for heaven’s sake, it was getting darker already because the sun was about to say goodbye nah! Thank goodness the driver was kind enough to help us getting into another multicab! HAHA! So much for my first day of riding multicabs!

     Besides having seated at the front seat besides someone I don’t know when it’s supposed to be a single seater seat only, and having seated on the back with all kinds of passengers (men, women, children, vegetables, and fishes) I had not encountered any more problems in my multicab experience. But another thing I’ve noticed is, the sweater I used to wear while travelling smelled like I was being bathe with smoke! At first I really wondered why but on my multicab trip going back to Dampil, I was able to find the answer. Almost all of the houses we passed through were setting things on fire. Lol. That was a terrible way to translate LAPOG in English. In vernacular, tanan balay among nalabyan kay ga-lapog! Especially in a certain barrio in Balingasag, there was a portion there that the air was really filled with smokey air. Lol. Aso bah, ASO!  
     So far, I’m really enjoying my multicab ride but I just find it funny whenever I stretch my neck as far as I could and open my eyes as big as I can when I’m near my destination already (KAO or our house in Dampil). Looking for familiar places and the houses/trees/rocks/signboards I’ve marked in my head that would tell me I’m near my destination already. I really find it hard to look for the right spot to call the multicab for a halt whenever there’s power interruption in Dampil (which happens every other day), but I’m getting used to it nah. I just have to practice not caring for people’s slight laughs or smiles whenever they see me stretching my head and enlarging my eyes. XD