Friday, March 9, 2012

XU Engineering days

     I've been very busy these past weeks that I wasn't able to compose anything for my blog. :( Well, as for the reasons of my "busyness", Hmmm I'd rather keep it a secret! Lol. Just kidding! We've had left and right quizzes and presentations lang naman in school. It's really inevitable especially now that the final exams week is approaching. This is the last chance of our teachers and instructors to torture us. I'm sure they are making the most of it! Haha. 

     The following is actually the write up ma'am Ruena asked me to pass in lieu of the written report regarding the plant tour (which I wasn't able to attend) the class is supposed to submit. Since I don't have an entry for March yet, I decided to just post this! Brilliant idea huh! This is actually about our celebration of the annual Xavier University Engineering Days. This isn't exactly the same with the one I submitted to her. I added some side comments and everything to lighten the mood! =)

     Xavier University engineering days is being celebrated annually. The XU engineering days this year was celebrated last February 24-29 with the theme XU warriors beyond Sendong: igniting the fires, reengineering resilient community. Series of lectures and activities were scheduled in the hope of educating the engineering students regarding the various concerns of the present time, the and of course to also promote a deeper sense of camaraderie between students.


     On the first day of the engineering days (February 24), a mass was offered in thanksgiving to all the blessings the students and the faculty of the college have received for the entire school year. Some engineering students and faculties attended the mass and also prayed for the success of this year’s celebration of the engineering days.

Kahibalo quiz bowl

     Kahibalo is a famous college-wide quiz bowl. Groups representing the different engineering departments competed in the quiz bowl. The Kahibalo quiz bowl was held 2:30 pm still on the first day of the engineering days. All the groups showed their intelligence in this quiz bowl, but group from our very own chemical engineering department went and grabbed the first place.

Amazing Race and Larong Pinoy

     The second day of the engineering days (February 25) was quite an adventurous one. Amazing race is a race whose winner is worthy of being called a warrior. Facing various obstacles before coming to declare a winner, the amazing race is indeed a very challenging game. All the representatives of all the departments played and enjoyed the race with all their heart, just like how a warrior should. Different strategies were used by each teams but the strategy used by the team of the civil engineering department proved to be the best for they were the ones who were able to grab the gold medal.

     Larong Pinoy, as the name implies, consisted of games which are originally played here in the Philippines by the Filipinos. Teams were also formed that would represent each of the engineering departments. Larong Pinoy consisted of the games Maria went to town where the players dressed like Maria (basically a Filipina), the famous Patintero which is a famous game especially for the younger ones, Tug-o-war and egg transfer. For both the Amazing race and Larong Pinoy, our representatives from the chemical engineering department got the second prize. It was not that bad though, considering the sizes of the opponent’s players and also the effort they applied to their brilliant strategies.


     The sportsfest last February 26 was also quite a scene (but I actually didn't witness it first hand ;p). This year’s sportsfest consisted of two sports namely, volleyball and basketball. All the players showed their mastery of the sports mentioned and also exercised the value of sportsmanship. The players from the chemical engineering department got the fourth place in volleyball after they lost to a group consisted of varsity players lang naman.

Lecture series

       A series of lectures were also conducted for the engineering students. The topics for the first day were Renewable Sources of Energy and Analog Devices (to be updated). I actually lined up for the lecture on the renewable sources but unfortunately their list was already full. For the second day, the topics were Basic Geographical Information System (GIS) and Septage Treatment and Maintenance Technologies. Since the topics were quite interesting, a lot wanted to attend. Too bad they only allowed 50 students per lecture. Why were they limiting the number of students who can attend the lecture series in the first place? I don't know the answer to that question, We weren't given any explanation regarding that matter. 


       An eat-together was organized by the college of engineering. The faculty and students who worked under the working committee HAPPILY (and violently) shared the foods served. It was not surprising that after a few moments the 2 lechons were already consumed, since the ones present in the salo-salo were all warriors. Aside from the delicious foods that were served, the thing that made the salo-salo more enjoyable was the company of the people who worked together for the success of the different events and activities. Charing! Anyways, after the salo-salo, I was really conscious of my stomach. It felt like it was about to burst!! Di ako masyadong busog noh? Pero pramis, minus the lechon pa yun! I didn't eat lechon eh.

Photo Exhibit

             The opening of the photo exhibit was held last February 28 which was attended only by the people above. The opening happened after all the other students and faculty went home so we were the only ones left. The photos were judged according to its quality and its connection to this year’s XU engineering days’ theme. The photo exhibit showed the artistic side of the engineering students and faculty. The photo exhibit manifested that besides having brilliant minds, the engineering students also have talents in other fields like photography.

FYPS display and presentation

      Monday when the preliminary presentation of the six Final Year Project Study by six representatives, one from each of the six engineering departments. The group from the chemical engineering department, along with the groups from the civil and electrical engineering departments got the top three places. In the last day of the engineering days, the presentation of the FYPS of the 5th years was held at the roof deck of the Magis building. Several studies were received various awards granted by some sponsors. With or without awards, all of them were successful in their study and presentation that day. All of them were able to show their mastery on their fields and confidence on their studies.

         Overall, the celebration of the engineering days was indeed a great success! The students were able to learn new things through attending the different lecture series. The creativity and sportsmanship of the engineering students also surfaced during the different events and activities that were lined up. Even after the heartbreaking experiences we had when typhoon Sendong came, the warriors still live their lives positively. Even if all the typhoons come together, it can never stop a warrior from picking up himself and standing up again. Warrior on the go! Awoo! Awoo!

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