Monday, March 19, 2012

Praying in a paradise island

     Who says going to Boracay is just FUN FUN and FUN? Even when you're on an island where everybody else is busy riding the waves and walking along the white sand, you can still take some time to be with your God.

     Before going to Boracay, I had a feeling that we would somehow visit a parish church there or something, considering that we will be going together with my uncle father (my uncle who's a priest ^^). And true enough, morning of the 19th of March when we went to the Holy Rosary Parish in Balabag, Boracay.

     The exterior part of the church would already suggest creativity. You will see seemingly painted stones that formed the image of God and his beautiful creations (coconut trees and waves of the ocean). 

At the back is the Holy Rosary Parish of Boracay
     Upon hearing that the daily mass is at 6am (which we missed)we just went inside the church and just said our prayers. . .

     And I knew it! My uncle father together with his friend priest (Fr. Jonathan) offered a mass. The next thing I knew two of his friend priests sat behind us (Fr. Carlo and Fr. Macky).

My uncle father and Fr. Jonathan

Fr. Jonathan, Fr. Macky, my uncle, and Fr. Carlo

     It was a meaningful mass especially for my cousin (Ate Ezra), it was her birthday! How nice! She got to start her birthday with a mass in the paradise island, Boracay. ^^

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