Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Muni-muni of the day

     Instead of writing this now, I should have been there together with my classmates, roaming around the STEAG plant. All of them are probably in STEAG right now. Poor me can only imagine how much fun it could have been. 

     Here I am again, left behind by everything else. But I can't do anything about it, since it was my decision in the first place. Our teacher asked me to decide what I think would be best for my condition. Before deciding, I weighed every thing that came to mind. If I go, I'll be having an amazing day; I'll be able to see first hand the amazing facilities of the plants we're supposed to visit (Pilipinas KAO and STEAG); I'll be learning new things; Best of all, I'll be experiencing all these things with my friends. But on another thought, If I go, this day would be a very tiring day for sure; There'll be a lot of walking (considering it's a PLANT TOUR), so I'll be putting my feet on the line. I was torn between having a fruitful day and having my feet relax and rest. I decided to go to the safer side. I decided not to go thinking that there'll be many more opportunities in the future where I can tour the mentioned plants, if not better.

     I'm actually sad right now, but I know that this is for my own sake. I'm not sure what could have happened to me if I went with them. Nobody can guarantee the good condition of my feet. Nobody else is there whom I can share this pain with. Literally ha. Di naman rin pwedeng idivide yung intensity ng pain sa lahat ng gustong maki-share, diba? It'll just be me at the end of the day so better think of myself in the first place na lang talaga.

     I sure hope that this will be the very last activity that I'll sacrifice. I hope that this abnormality, as it seems to me, will stop nah so I can be normal again. . . 

>.< hoping!!


When we went to see a doctor last Monday, I was diagnosed to have Bursitis. As I surfed through the net I found out that the Bursitis I had was specifically known as Retrocalcaneal Bursitis.

Click here for more information: Retrocalcaneal bursitis

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