Saturday, February 11, 2012

First Manila moments

(last February 2, 2012)   

     After more than an hour of our CDO-Manila Flight, finally! We are now in Manila! Wala nang etchosan!!  Just when the voice-over said that it's now safe to unbuckle the seatbelt or the sinturong pangkaligtasan, I felt the excitement from my feet! We were just planning on taking pictures (again) when the voice-over (infairness, andami nyang sinabi) said not to take pictures in the stairway/ramp to avoid traffic or something. PERO! Talagang hindi kami nagpatinag and took pictures anyway...

     Other people were actually looking at us but we didn't mind. XD We continued taking pictures until we were already inside of the airport...

     We walked quite a distance until we reached the are where we were supposed to get our bags. 

      I got my bag moments later but was saddened that the stuffed animal I hanged in my bag wasn't there anymore. I waited a little longer but to my dismay, my stuffed animal didn't show up!! I was able to recover quickly though...

     After getting all our baggages, we decided to have our lunch while waiting for the arrival of the others. While looking for a place to eat, we almost walked all over the airport. We went down to the ground floor, then went up again!! (O diba! Instant tour!) 

     We finally decided to dine at Kenny Rogers (actually my first time ^^). Together with Mannah, Diana, Nece, Dean, Carlo, Elijah, we ordered their group package or something. I can't remember the price but I payed around P160 for my counterpart.

     We should have been glad that the second group already arrived, but due to the disappointing news we've heard, our spirits went down. The group who we thought would be fetching all of us, only went to the airport with their bare feet. Obviously, there was a misunderstanding. We who thought that a vehicle would be fetching us from the airport, cancelled the van we were suppose to rent. Then malalaman mo na wala pa lang susundong sasakyan sa'yo? HAHA! Everyone was affected one way or another. Well, since we had no choice, we just rented another van at the airport. We paid around P150 each for a 12-seater van (from NAIA to Dangay).


     During the travel, I saw a running MRT (for the first time), and tall buildings which are very rare in CDO. We arrived in Dangay Suites after approximately 45 minutes of travel. We rested for a while then got ready for the welcome dinner at UP!

2 (mga) puna:

nory faith said...

photo album nlng unta imung gipost !hahays. nagexpect ko ug taas nga basahon hap

Monique Cagatin said...

aw sori ha. feel lng nq mgpost ug pix. buotay?

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