Sunday, September 23, 2012

my zombie life

     Those who are close to me probably know how bad I am at staying up all night. I don't know, even how important that tomorrow's quiz is, or how far I am to completing the assignment, my eyes would really close on their own at some point; but since this semester started, that changed.. By some driving force, my eyes are staying open whenever they need to be open. I mean, when the first semester of this school year started, we've been bombarded with lots of assignments, requirements, quizzes, and activities in school. Amazingly, I was able to keep myself awake during the night on those "hectic" times. Then the month of August came, and came with it were several holidays. To put it simply, I kinda got used to the holidays and "nothing-to-do" mode again that when September came together with the complete recovery of our favorite instructor, I felt like I was caught off-guard. I mean, one day I was like enjoying all the free time in the world, even having the luxury of watching lots of movies and everything, and then the next thing I know, there's a ton of schoolwork to do to be passed TOMORROW! as in insigida!! And with the finals week approaching, I knew right then, it was time to say goodbye to my early sleeping time and tanga times..

    For the last two weeks, I only had an average of 3 hours of sleep daily. I usuallu sleep 12am and wake up as early as 3am. My classmates though aren't sleeping at all! SERIOUSLY! Hoooh! Kahit gaano karami na ang dapat gawin, di pwedeng di ako matulog! Based on experience, parating may masamang nangyayari sa'kin if I don't sleep at all. You don't know how much pressure I'd feel whenever I wake up at 3am and find my classmates still online and showing signs that they're still awake! But this is the way my body system works and I'm already accustomed to this system so I've got nothing to complain.

     During the first few days of the sleep-deprived nights, I still had energy the next morning to go through my day in school, but eventually, as my sleepless nights continued, I feel like I'm exerting double the usual effort I apply in doing things. I get tired more easily; even climbing the stairs of the engineering building is making me catch my breath! Not only that, I also noticed that my maldita side is showing itself more often. I get irritated and angry easily. I sometimes raise my voice for no reason at all. Haaay, sakit sa mga kulang ug tulog! At some point, I found myself just spacing out. I also slept in my classes. My 'reaction time', as in the time it'd take me to react upon hearing something, declined! Even after hearing a joke, there's that lag time before I'd laugh.. You can probably imagine, eh? I can't even imagine how I looked like during those times. :D One night also, while I was doing an assignment ('di ko na maalala anung assignment yun, sa dami ba naman ng assignments na ginawa ko this week and last week), I found myself recalculating something over and over again. You know what's worse? I get a different value each time! The I knew I had to get a dose of coffee. XD

     Two weeks more to go and this semester will be over. There are lots of requirements to be passed, lots of activities to be done, and lots of lessons to be studied. So I'll give up the hope of being able to enjoy lengthy hours of sleep in the next 2 weeks.. I just hope that my body won't give up before I do. >.<

     Who said the life of a 5th year Chemical Engineering is easy? It is not! And it will never be.. I just put to mind that all these hardships we're going through right now are necessary for us to be excellent chemical engineers in the future. As one of our instructors said, "At least anad na mo mabilar." Immune na kung baga.. Lol. Salamat kaayu sir! But in all fairness, he has a point. So right now, we just have to endure and keep moving forward! Tomorrow is another day with another requirements! This is for my bright future so no more complaining.. AJA! XD

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