Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Call me Maybe trip

     Honestly! If you go to Youtube now then search for CALL ME MAYBE, a lot of videos would be coming out; all of which are from various people around the globe who uploaded their versions of the parody. One might wonder why anyone would want their faces posted on Youtube for the public to see. I, myself can't stand the idea! So I was hesitant at first when one of our classmates suggested that "we" also make our own mv for the song. They didn't stop encouraging the whole class though! They made me watch some Call me Maybe vids uploaded to youtube (though I only watched those made by some famous personalities ;p).. then boom! The idea of us making a video didn't feel bothersome anymore :D

     I think the scenes on this video was shot for 2 whole weeks or something. As you'll see later, I've been really participative in this video.. it's as if I didn't hesitate at first at all!! LOL. Craziness is really contagious you know, being with these crazy people (my classmates) made me crazy also! hahaha. I bet they won't agree to that statement though. After all the efforts (really?!) we exerted to come up with this video, I can't help but share this to the world. We may be called crazy, childish and attention-seeker by the rest of the world but I think the most imprtant thing is that we made this as one batch and that we were all enjoying and were happy while we were making this (all's good when everyone's happy, right?). This will be the last year of our stay in school and the last year of our lives as chemical engineering students so we better enjoy the remaining months!! Oh! I know I'm sooo right!!  Let's be crazy and freeeeee!!  Nyahahaha XD

     So without further ado, here it is... our Call me Maybe trip: