Saturday, June 2, 2012

Night out with Kao pipz

     It was already 3 in the morning when I went home this morning from our night out. It was my first time going home that late from a night out with my friends so I already expected some scolding from my mother. I actually had an ample lot of scolding before she or was it me that first fell asleep! Either way thank goodness one of us slept first, if not the scolding could have continued 'till sunrise! I unfortunately woke up 3 hours after I slept so as you probably imagined, I was a little bit bugnutin that entire day. BUT! Whatever the consequences of that night out I spent with the "Kao people" I swear I didn't regret it one bit! SWEAR!

     While waiting for the other "Kao pipz" who are still in Jasaan, we decided to start KTV-ing. The temptation was really hard to resist. At first we just thought of staying at the waiting area of Willsbar and wait for the others but hearing those out-of-the-tune singing the people at the other rooms were doing, we figured we can do better! LOL. To make the long story short, we ended up getting a KTV room of our own and started singing! unsa paman diay?! 

     After about 45 minutes, two of the "others" came as we prepared to end our 1 hour KTV-ing and proceed to Thai Me Up! Manlibre daw si sir (dapat daw i-omit ang sir) Benborj nah! As Michael suggested we walked from Willsbar to Thai me up (ambot unsay nisulod sa amung mind nganong nisugot mig baklay). I don't usually walk that far of a distance but this time I did because what's at stake is the hot chika we were sharing while walking. Considering the long distance we've traveled (and we actually took our time pa talaga), you probably can't imagine what in hell did we talk about... don't ask me, i'll never tell bwahahaha XD. Let's just say it was very interesting that it really made me enjoy that walk bigtime! 

     When we arrived in the meeting place for dinner (around 8 pm), Benborj who's supposedly the one we should wait for arrived earlier than us! Huh! That's what we got from taking our time walking while chika-ing. Shortly after we started digging in. . 

      Sir Aljohn then arrived moments later. After some picture taking and short moment of chika-chika the group decided tap Galam KTV Bar in Carmen as our next stop. Then off we went to Galam! It was very full that I thought we'd just be going home without being able to sing but we patiently waited in their waiting room and just entertained ourselves with the music videos they were playing. It came to a point that we very much enjoyed the music in the waiting room that we danced our asses off. We were carried away that we thought we were the only ones in the room. We'll it was kinda true, we were the only ones in the waiting area but we didn't took into consideration that room behind those wall of glass. We were all shocked when the glass (which is actually a sliding door) opened and someone went out from it. Ahuh! What you're thinking is right, behind those dark glass wall was a bunch of people who probably (I say definitely) saw what kabaliwan we just did! I can't imagine how foolish we might have looked to them. Laughter - it was the only thing we could afford to do upon the discovery of the said room! Haaaaiiixt. 

     After all the waiting, picture taking, attempts in singing and dancing, and a little bit of "strong-ing" in the waiting area, we were finally led to our room! I think it was about 11 p.m. when we entered the room. We sang our hearts out, danced with all our might (does that even make sense?), shouted at the top of our lungs, and jumped with like a rockstar. So we basically just let our energies flow out! XD

     Then it was time to go home. Fortunately, our beloved sirs took us home (see how lucky we are to have them as our bosses???). Actually, if not for the fact that sir would be sending us home, I wouldn't have stayed 'till 3 a.m. !! We'll what happens next is as stated in my introductory paragraph above. 

     It may have been short but this moment is really worth keeping in memory together with all the memories we had in Kao. tsk3x. I sure am missing my OJT-ing there. >.< If by chance this night out should happen again in the future (ezei), I'm sure we would again be going all-out with our singing and everything! XD